Leadership Qualities Essential For Young Leaders To Learn
What is Leadership?
In simple words leadership is influence. When you hear this definition instantly second question comes in your mind - i.e.- Why Leadership is influence? Because can you think anybody can follow a leader without influence? Can leaders inspire others without influence? Can you read my blog or follow me without influence? Can you lead people without influence?
The answer is very simple big no. Hence first and foremost essential quality for a leader is learning to influence others.
But you are not concerned about one quality rather you are concerned about qualities. Now a question arises in your mind is - What are the essential qualities for leaders to learn? In fact there are several qualities like:
1. Passion
2. Focus
3. Vision
4. The ability to delegate
5. Good Communication
6. Sincerity
7. Humility
8. Empathy
9. Decision making
10. Crisis - management
11. Honesty
12. Integrity
13. Loyalty
14. Consistency
15. Trustworthiness.
16. Enthusiasm
17. Ability to think deeply
18. Ability to plan strategically
19. Ability to inspire people
20. High emotional intelligence
21. To be a continuous learner
22. Courage
23. Value Others
24. Active listener
25. Perseverance
26. Charisma
27. Character
28. Determination
29 Sense of humor
Although this list is very long but I have talked only about essential qualities. But you are not concerned about all leaders you are concerned about young leaders.
When I see young and old leaders together I always miss one important quality and i.e. the foremost important quality. Can you guess which one important quality is missing in young leaders? Why you are not influenced by young leaders? Why are you not inspired by young leaders? Which quality they are lacking? Why don`t you take action to follow young leaders?
Although the answer is given in above qualities but I will let you know this quality after some time. Let me talk about other essential qualities that are important for young leaders to learn.
(1) Focus- If you are not focused you are not passionate and without passion you can`t be a good leader. I have seen the lack of this trait in young leaders and that is a major problem. Without focus you can lead but only for short span of time, to be a horse of long race you have to be focused. So young leaders are you ready to be focused ? (2) Active Listening - Young leaders you have to learn the ability of effective listening. Do you know active listening is also related with focus because if you are not focused you are not listening you are only hearing. (3) Ability to Inspire others - The main problem with young leaders is they are unable to effectively inspire other and if they don`t inspire people effectively then how can people take actions to follow them?
(4) Crisis management - The ultimate test of a leader happens in crisis. We have seen many good leaders doing good things when everything is going good but when suddenly crisis happens and recession comes then automatically good young leaders becomes poor leaders.
Anyway now I will give you the answer of the most important question i.e. Which one foremost important quality young leaders are lacking? This is the quality which I am afraid will young leaders be able to learn or not ? Because this the quality some time called inborn quality.Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King posses this quality very effectively and i.e. my friends Charisma
(5) Charisma - I have not seen this quality in young leaders. They are lacking Charisma. Although sometimes this is inborn quality but I believe in this principle - Leaders are not born they are made. That`s why my dear young leaders you can learn this quality and young leaders have to learn this quality if you wanna to be a great leader. This is the most important quality to influence others and I believe leaders are learner so you can learn Charisma (5) if you focus (1) on charisma, if you are actively and effectively listening (2) what I am saying in this article, if you have ability to inspire other (3) and If you are a young leader who can manage in crisis (4).